Fallout shelter game show gauntlet moira
Fallout shelter game show gauntlet moira

fallout shelter game show gauntlet moira

Quests cannot be started when there is an active event occurring in the vault, such as a mole rat infestation or raider attack.It is possible to encounter special quests during standard wasteland exploration.Upgrading the overseer's office allows the player to attempt multiple quests at once.Some quests can only be done during certain seasons. Daily quests change regularly and weekly quests change weekly. Some quests are part of a chain and must be done to unlock more quests.Up to that point, the player may choose to give up and have their dwellers return to the vault, or pay a few caps to try the quest again from the beginning. The player must complete the objective indicated by the quest to mark it as complete. Upon reaching the quest location, the player will take control of their dweller(s) to explore a large area in a side-exploration sequence. Nuka-Cola Quantum can be used to speed up travel time. Returning also takes time, similar to normally exploring the wasteland. Upon beginning the quest, the chosen dwellers will leave the vault and travel to the quest destination, taking a pre-determined amount of time. The player may select up to three dwellers (requirements may specify less), to do the quest and may change their equipment in the quest screen. The requirements must be met to begin the quest. When a quest is viewed in the menu, the player will see a brief description of it, icons that hint at the items that will be found, and any requirements including weapons, armor and minimum dweller level. Once the player has at least 18 dwellers in their vault, they can build the overseer's office, costing 1000 caps, and begin to send their dwellers out on specific quests. 7.1.9 The Party at the End of the World.6.6 Journey to the Center of Vaultopolis.6.4 Horsemen of the Post-Apocalypse Part 3.6.3 Horsemen of the Post-Apocalypse Part 2.6.2 Horsemen of the Post-Apocalypse Part 1.

Fallout shelter game show gauntlet moira